Thursday, November 18, 2010

the police women of dallas

"the police women of dallas" is one of those shows that if you asked on any given day, i may or may not admit to watching- sort of like "dog the bounty hunter"- which is just not really describable in words but totally addictive. so anyway, the other night husband and i were flipping channels and stopped upon this show and one of the police women of dallas was being called out to a code (insert numbers here) which meant that a large group of people were fighting- it turned out to be a large group of "ladies" fighting in the parkling lot of an apartment complex.

this lovely little officer arrived all on her own, before back-up and began to attempt to break up the fight. the women were shouting profanities and spitting at eachother and weave was flying every which a way and lots of words like "respeck" and questions about who "knows" who were being tossed around.... i was scared for this officer. i would much rather try to break up a fight between men than one between a group of enraged women this large!

so after her back-up arrived and she handed out citations to several of the fighters and told them they were getting on her nerves she said the funniest thing i have heard in ages... i literally started coughing from laughing so hard! i can't help but share it and it's probably not nearly as funny if you didnt see the show but here we go!

as she was getting back into her car she said simply, "good Lord Jesus I need a sno-cone!"

and.... scene.

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