my entourage doesn't follow me everywhere because they are hired and it surely isn't because i am cool and famous and followed by paparazzi. nope, it's because i am the one who picks up their poop and always has the food. that's pretty much it. it is nice to be loved by my four legged entourage and my two legged ones, which consists of precious 13 week old twins and sometimes my husband when he's hungry, but it is sometimes exhausting! as much grief as i give kate gosselin, that woman has a reason to be snarky with 47 children following her around always wanting something. the dogs and horse are far more appreciative in general than i imagine children would be- that's just their lovely nature and yet again, another reason why four legged children are my favorite kind.
here are a few pics of my entourage lately- they are a pretty good looking bunch!

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