It feels like it's been raining for weeks on end, poor Tucker (horse) is covered in rainrot (fungus on skin that makes hair fall out due to being wet all the time) and Rylie Boo of course refuses to relieve herself outside if it mists, much less rains. So we took a long walk not long ago after it rained and Rylie Boo was tromping through the woods like a champ, but came back covered in leaves, burrs, seeds and other forest souvenirs. I took a few pics to document the "poor me" face she was making as I cleaned her off with the garden hose *gasp...she much prefers a hot shower and the pics are quite funny.

On another note, I think she has a little tummy virus since she has thrown up four times in the last few days, refuses to eat until I make her dinner "special", as Ryan calls it, which means adding water and heating it in the microwave, and she is very NON characteristically laying around on my lap constantly being soggy (limp) and super sweet. Her aunt Hannah and uncle Chris did delight her the other evening though when they came for dinner and brought her and Doodle a toy. Doodle has an obsession with squirrels and its a stuffed squirrel, while my miniature bird dog has taken to carrying the stuffed Mallard around in her mouth and/or fetching it after Ryan quacks, makes a gunshot noise, and then throws it on the ground for her to retrieve. Nope, I'm not kidding... If anyone needs any suburban indoor ducks hunted in the warmth of their own home, I've got just the duck dog.
As sad as she gets though when she's cold and wet, she would never make it on a real hunt, but I won't burst Ryan's bubble with that truth since he's got her in heavy training. Meanwhile, the giant lab (um, bred for hunting), refuses to retreive anything and is terrified of all loud noises.
Anyway, soggy poodle is currently sound asleep in my lap and looking oh so sweet and innocent. I hope she's not feeling too bad though. A mother worries.
coming soon:10 reasons why Comcast sucks
I hate slutty Halloween costumes and no, you don't look sexy.
Pumpkin Roll Recipe
Asheville is the best city ever, pack your bags!
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