Having spent a good part of the day at home, here are my observations on what exactly it is that the poodle does all day. She decided to narrate for you.
6:20 am: cuddle time with mom begins with a good ear scratching moment followed by the slow creep up to her face for a little kiss... circle, sigh, back to sleep.
7:00 am: poop in hall quickly while mom gets in the shower
7:00-7:20: spot my red ball on moms bathroom counter and whine for it, incessantly. She keeps saying something about not giving it to me because I am slowly destroying it by chewing it into little tiny pieces. I am perfectly capable of vomiting those up later but whatever. Bitch. Whine louder.
7:30: Refuse to pee outside. It's apparent that mom is running late. Is that a bird down the street? Bark. Pull on leash. Bark. Growl. Sit in grass. Ok I'm done.
9:30: Mom is home! YAY! Bark!
9:31: Mom feeds us breakfast. Refuse to eat it unless she puts fish oil on top. Look at her longingly- YES... she put the fish oil on it. Yum.
9:36: Mom is on the phone, quick, poop in the hall. It's so much nicer to poop in the AC.
9:45: THERE'S SOMEONE OUTSIDE!!!!!!! BARK, BARK, REPEAT! THERE'S SOMEONE OUTSIDE!!!!!!!! (it's trash day and I HATE those people and that truck)
10:00 am: follow mom upstairs, make a nest in clean clothes pile on bed, nap
11:32: wake up, step on moms computer to get petted, gaze at the window where blinds are closed and growl, there could be something out there...
11:33: she gave me the red ball to get me to stop growling... works every time. Chew, throw ball at mom, fetch. repeat reapeat repeat repeat...
11:33-12:21: fetching and chewing time. i almost have this ball destroyed, the pieces look so pretty on mom's bed. confetti! yay!
12:25 back to watching the window, growl, woof, get Doodle to do it with me...
12:27 tell Doodle to distract mom so I can look through her bag on the floor, there's something shiny in there that needs to be chewed on. mmmm, i love the taste of ipods. I bet i can get this thing to look pretty with the red pieces on moms bed...
thats all for now! busy busy! -rylie boo louise
* here's what happens when Rylie Boo wants something, in this case a ball which is stuck under the furniture. Note the ball right next to her is not the right one. She doesn't stop until you get the ball for her.
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