Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Love your love the most

One of my current favorite songs is "I love your love the most" by Eric Church. Ryan happens to love it too, even though we often disagree on good song status. The song talks about all the simple things he loves in/about life but in the end says, "I love your love the most". I was thinking about this today after yesterdays little rant on wanting a horse to love and I made a little list of all the simple things in life that I love. I think it's a pretty therapeutic little exercise so here it goes:

1. Green Tea Ginger Ale- I've never done cocaine, but I'm fairly certain this is better.

2. The soft part of a horses nose right between their nostrils.

3. Hearing "Touchdown DAWGS!"

4. The magical way mascara can transform my appearance

5. Seeing Ryan's car pull into the driveway

6. Doggie Kisses

7. The sound of rain

8. A full tank of gas

9. Eating cheese grits on the porch at my parent's house with them and all the dogs on a weekend morning when the lake is flat and glassy

10. Getting an handwritten note or letter in the mail

I could go on, but would love to hear someone else's list of life's simple pleasures. Leave it as a comment if you want!

1 comment:

  1. my list:
    reading people's diaries(knowing their thoughts)
    cuddles and kisses from my dogs at 6, before we go outside
    champagne and appetizers on a sunset cruise
    having both my kids home-especially at Christmas!!
    cool, great, fresh sheets
    the smell of mtn. laurel or pretty much anything in the mountains
    shopping with my sister
    candles, lots of candles
    all matter of plants and flowers
    empty laundry baskets
    empty dishwashers
    mirrors and lamps
    lobster, lobster bisque-yum
    knowing my chidren feel self-assure, happy with their spouse and LOVED by me!
