In the last issue I picked up, they spent about five pages highlighting the must haves for a southern lifestyle and while some were great, others were ridiculous, i.e. no one needs an Hermes saddle when people who ACTUALLY ride horses can get a much higher quality saddle for way less. Anyway, one thing i love about the south is that the people here seem to have a knack for finding things that are not only useful, but great looking as well- often without being label obsessed. Yes, we have our share of tackiness and spoiled children who think designer labels translate to coolness, but good southern taste is hard to beat.
The more I thought about summer and everything wonderful it means down here in Georgia, I re-did their article in my head and made it slightly more realistic. Our summers are great but they can be hot, and sticky and wet and buggy too. So, it turned into a list of everything to have and do and try this summer and voila- here is part one of three- the must haves:
Must Haves:
1. Ever met a late afternoon rain shower or those thunderstorms that come in with a vengeance and awake that sticky Georgia red clay? You MUST have a good pair of boots to navigate the mess- whether it be a muddy horse pasture or a flooded parking lot in Buckhead- and trust me, people look at you funny when you traipse through the parking lot to sushi lunch with boots on that smell like horse pee. I won't tell you how i know that. So:
-for cuteness and fun colors try the Hunter wellie- they also don't leak- ever!

- for the barn, or the dove field, or steeplechase, or for the boys (careful water will leak in those zippers though so don't walk your cross country course and think you can measure the strides in the water complex with these) Le Chameau:

These are the Dublin river boots and below are the Dubarry boots. Both are fantastic and look cute matched with your husbands Filson luggage or the Dubarry luggage.

Whew- now that your feet are dry and your outfit isn't ruined by some hideous zebra striped leaky Target wellie we can move on to:
2. Sunscreen! As if the humidity and the mosquitoes weren't enough to make you want to shower every 30 minutes, the Georgia sunshine will burn your skin to a crisp- and it's no fun to look LIKE the lobster at your summer lobster boil. Since my
For face and everywhere else this is my go to sunscreen- it's not greasy or sticky and it dries quickly and doesn't leave you with that awful whitish film on your skin- it's oil free, and doesn't sting my eyes when wet- basically it's amazing and it comes in spf 30, 55, 70 and something crazy like 100. Steer clear of the sprays- though temptingly easy to apply, they put a sticky film on your skin and watch and wedding ring and sunglasses that attracts dirt- which is just gross and no longer sparkly. Aveeno continuous protection sunblock with photobarrier complex and vitamins!

and for your lips- i cannot even describe how amazing this stuff is- if you see it- buy it as it's a little hard to find- just trust me on this one... no funky taste, isn't sticky enough for your hair to get caught in it (pet peeve), and moisturizes for hours. Aveeno essential moisture lip conditioner with spf 15. Puts burts bees to SHAME i tell you...

3. My doggies absolutely LOVE this doggie ice cream available at publix and Doodle suggests the peanut butter flavor- Rylie Boo will stand still and eat this for at least half an hour, which is a rarity for poodle behavior to say the least- Frosty paws:

and for the children of the equine variety, summer is always a battle with the grunge and fungus and rain rot etc. but THIS stuff is magical- and it smells yummy, and its not greasy or weird feeling at all! Just rinse off your horse after a ride and wash this over any yucky spots- leave on and enjoy the smell! No more creepy seedy fungus on the cannon bones or rain rot butts or itchy bellys or scabby manes! Tea-Clenz by Healing tree- it lasts a while since its a concentrate and its mostly natural extracts! They also make dog products and everything I have used from this line I LOVE.

and a few more things on my list from summers past that I still use:
- Haviana flip flops
- bikinis from target- because really- who actually wears the same size top and bottom?
- nike shorts
- chlorine and sun protector for hair- um no brassy or green streaks in my hair please- try the Aveda UV defense
- suave humectant shampoo and conditioner- keeps hair soft and not dried out after frequent washings and smells like coconuts!
- philosophy coconut frosting body wash- i like to shower with a theme scent if you can't tell
- burts bees aloe and linden flower after sun soothing lotion- way better than sticky green chunky faux aloe
- kerrits ventilator tops- for riding and workouts
-serendipity boot socks with the cotton foot and thin tops- less heat under the dress boots!
that's all for now! next will be the must try's!