Ember belongs to a dear friend, and is Jazz's BFF, and is like my step-fourleggedchild. We are so worried about her.
a little background info:
12 year old, 16h, TB mare
used for dressage, jumping and light foxhunting
pasture kept full time for three years
moved to new barn and pasture in april 2009- plenty of grass and timothy hay provided in pasture
wormed bi-monthly
always easy keeper, no supplements
see pictures here from june 2009:

We had a cold harsh winter for Georgia, so when she started dropping a little weight in December we chalked it up to being outside in the colder than usual temps and an increase in dressage training. She started being fed twice a day in the pasture and was double blanketed.
January- put a little weight back on and owner decided to move her into partial board (stalled at night, out during day weather permitting, starting Feb.) She is a voracious eater of her sweetfeed- gets four cups twice a day (omolene 200) plus weight builder supplement. Her coat isn't looking great, but it's winter and she bleaches out easily. Being ridden approx 3x per week.
February- came inside for partial board and changed to the partial boarders pasture, was missing her old pasture buddies and didn't integrate into her new herd for the first couple weeks. Spent a lot of time at the fence line waiting to be brought in. Gradually up to 8 cups omolene 200 twice a day plus 1 cup alfalfa pellets plus two flakes at least of fescue hay when in stall. We started feeding her lunch too- omolene/alfalfa pellets plus weight gain supplement. Was putting weight on and excited to get fed lunch. I am the lunch lady and she would literally canter to me in the pasture for it. Gets ridden still approx 3x per week. Went to a show and did well but owner stated she didn't seem "happy' at show.
March- integrated into herd, this month's shipment of hay was awful, looked like straw from a hay ride and was very woody- she ate it, but began dropping weight again. (My mare picks at it like its toxic and makes nests out of it and then pees/poops on it) Still a voracious eater. Ridden regularly still. Went to a hunter pace- did fabulously- owner decided she is much happier in the field and with company than at shows. Coat isn't shedding/blooming at this point but weather is all over the map. Most horses are starting to shed long winter coats now though. When she is brought in for a ride she seems "sad", but we think it's because she is finally integrated into herd and tends to get herd bound. Still eating feed voraciously and we are glad to see that she has befriended my mare. She seems in good spirits and is always very sweet- nickers when her owner or me comes near stall, approaches you in field, affectionate and curious and always "helps" when you clean her stall. Is now stalled in the stall next to my mare and has a big window to see outside. Shows no stress at stall change.
March 27- Bear Creek Hounds Point-to-point Races. Ember is a member of the relay team, she is asked to gallop less than .50 mile and does wonderfully. Was fully warmed up and cooled down, shows no signs of stress at event or later that evening when brought back to barn. Eats her dinner as usual.
March 28- sunday morning- owner goes out and immediately knows something is "off". Ember didn't touch breakfast, is nibbling at hay, and there is little poop in her stall. She is lethargic and doesn't greet owner when stall door opened. Hangs head and just looks sooo sad. Not herself at all. Owner starts walking her in case of colic and she begins phlemming (curling lip up), a classic sign of colic- vet called. Still interested in grazing/walking and doesn't try to roll etc. Still lethargic though. After 1/2 hour I am out there too helping to walk her- I think her tail carriage is "tucked" for her and her belly is tucked up a lot. Her hind end muscles seem hard to me but she's willing to walk- we begin to consider that she might be tying up. Vet still on the way at this point. Still walking/still phlemming, won't drink water or water with electrolytes.
Vet arrives, comments that she's super thin and takes a look at her hay- says its trash as we suspected (thanks barn owner for refusing to take it back), tubes her for colic and gives b-12 shot and banamine. Doesn't mention tying up, but mentions strange virus going around locally that is usually accompanied by extreme lethargy, fever and diarrhea- mare has neither at this point though but we decide to watch her closely in case she develops any symptoms. Vet says give her a bran mash in evening and remove all hay for now, if she doesn't eat mash, call her back.
Doesn't eat mash- we add molasses- doesn't eat it, we sprinkle her regular sweet feed on top and she eats a little bit (~ 1qt.) Seems to have perked up a bit and seems interested in hay and hungry. Owner calls vet back and she says after thinking on it- she thinks ulcers could be the culprit and the little stress colic could be from those or from her previous days activities which were not her usual routine. We think she fits the bill for ulcers- staring coat, weight loss, lethargy, unhappiness, off her feed but still grazing and eating hay. We wonder why though- she would go off feed so suddenly. Her stools are normal too.
Next morning (29th), I go out early to give her a mash, barn owner says she was "pitching a fit" for food when other were fed this morning (approx. 30 minutes earlier which is her usual demeanor at feeding time and good news it seems! I approach stall and she nickers at me, greets me and seems perkier. She eats almost entire bran mash and over next few hours two flakes of new good fescue- thank god the new load came in good. They are inside due to rain and she seems ok. I give her some face time through doors with my mare and she is social.

I check throughout the day and she seems ok and stools are regular for her. We concoct a new meal program for her per vet's suggestions:
Seminole senior
alfalfa pellets
rice bran
prilosec otc for possible ulcers- horse dose
mixed with old sweet feed for a week to change over
She is NOT historically a picky eater.
Today- turned out for day with herd- back off her feed tonight and not eating hay. Lethargic and sad again- see video:
Owner's next steps are blood work and vet back out, possible hay testing, but other horses on same hay are fine. She is worried sick and mare is steadily dropping weight at this point. Coat is dull and attitude is dull and sad. She's miserable and her owner is beside herself.
Please post any ideas/thoughts on coth bb's or comments section here. Thanks in advance for your help and kindness.